Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sorry I like died.

I've been busy being to depressed to do anything but sleep.
Awesome life I have eh?
I can't seem to keep the few pounds I lose off. They keep coming back.
And i'm honestly so fucking tired of this cycle.
I keep telling myself to just give up and eat, get fat and just deal with it.
But I just can't.
No matter how hard I try, to just push the thoughts away.
They win anyway.

Friday, July 1, 2011

My throat is killing me

From all the purging I've been doing lately. >_<
Ugh.. I hate every second of purging.. 

So i had to lie to my boyfriend the other day. And its still eating at me.
He found my journal. I forgot i left it on my bed. When i walked into my room he asked what it was. He told me he read the rules page and was demanding to know if i relapsed.  I lied and said it was an old journal i was reading. And i told him to stop reading my things without permission. He does it all the time. He knew it was private but opened it anyway.  If i tried to do that with something of his he'd completely flip.

In other news... 

am i the only one that's been singing this all day? @______@