Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Break Up?

So Jamie told  me that he doesn't feel the same way about me like he did that, I'm not 'happy enough'.
That he still wants to be with me but we need to work on things.

More like i need to work on things. -_-
I don't think he gets that I stopped cutting for him. I went into treatment for depression for him.
I went into treatment for My ED for him.
I'm not going to be 100% happy now.
Treatment doesn't work like that.

I guess I seemed alot happier when I could rip a blade through my skin to numb out my feelings.

Hello little razor blade....

Welcome back to my fucked up life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that things aren't working out with your boyfriend. I hope you guys can figure something out to stay together (if that's what you want). Maybe try explaining to him how recovery works because you stated the truth that you aren't going to be 100% happy now that you've recovered. It's hard and I know you can get through it.
