Saturday, March 26, 2011


I can't see my hip bones anymore.
The gap between my thighs are gone.
My collar bones are fading.
I have to search for my ribs.

How did I let myself get to this point? I'm so disgusted right now.
I look like i'm pregnant.
I have a roll of fat under my boobs, and armpits.
I have a double chin.

I can just go on and on with this.
I have ALOT of work to do.
I need to work on putting before and after pics on here once I go back to Ana and Mia.


  1. Hi, I'm curious as to what your eating habits were and how your disorder is not specified?

    thanks and I hope your getting by ok

  2. I restrict, binge, purge, and over exercise.
    I'm labelled EDNOS because i havent lost my period and im not underweight.
