Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have one week left of treatment. 
I'm starting to feel guilty for knowing that as soon as I get out, all the work I did will be thrown away.
I know I'm going straight back to my ED ways.
But now I'm full of guilt.
I wasted everyones time. I wasted money and resources.
I took up a spot in the program that someone who /really/ wanted to recover could have had.
I feel like such a horrible person.


  1. You have to do what's best for you. No matter what you choose, we'll be here for you. Good luck <3

  2. Don't feel guilty, the docs know that u might go back to our beloved ana and mia. We r here for u.

  3. I wish you luck hun. I have never been through treatment so I am not much help but just know that whatever happens, happens for a reason. This is just another chapter in your book and whether or not you get better, we'll be here for you xox

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