Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Wait! I need to check the calories first!"

That's what my five year old cousin who I was babysitting said to me when I was trying to make him lunch.
At first I just started laughing and told him okay, you do that.

And then I started thinking... hes five why does he know about calories?
Why does he care?
I'm guessing he just watched me or my aunt do this and is just copying us.
Which makes me feel guilty, which I should feel.


  1. That's actually kind of sad. Don't feel guilty about it. He was bound to pick it up somewhere in today's health-conscious society.

  2. That is kinda sad , i feel guilty when my sister copies me 2 . But don't worry 2 much he'll learn about them eventually . I'm sure hes not like us <3 xoxo

  3. It is sad,
    It makes me worry about children. Not just my cousins but just children in general.
    They are way to exposed to this stuff. :C

    Which reminds me of the stats saying the average age of people with eating disorders is dropping.
    Its horrible.

  4. :/ I just read a couple of articles stating that the rate of eating disorders is increasing in kids younger than adolescence by 112% or some ridiculous number. Don't feel soso guilty, it may not have even been you, it could've been from almost anything nowadays. Maybe this can make you realize how to handle food in front of babies? I know when I start working with kids I cut that shit right out for fear that they'll end up crazy like me lolol.

    Don't be too hard on yourself though, just be aware!
